Buy Dianabol 20 in Portugal Online


Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
substance: oral methandienone (Dianabol)
packaging: 20mg (100 tablets)




Dianabol 20 is the most popular oral steroid for sale online with years on the market. Metandienone (20mg) is the active ingredient in each Dianabol tablet. For beginners who are reluctant to start using steroids, a Dianabol cycle is the ideal option. This drug has a strong anabolic index, however it cannot be used without aromatization, which affects muscle growth. In this case, the body retains a lot of fluid, which means that the muscles and tendons do not dry out and the athlete does not experience painful cramps during training.


Beginners and experienced athletes like it as it increases their strength and muscle mass. It is possible to gain 10kg of body weight during a Dianabol cycle (without any other steroids) and, according to some specialist forums, some athletes can gain 15kg from a metandienone cycle.

However, proper genetics, training experience and diet are necessary for an athlete to achieve such results. Dianabol contains water, and the athlete can lose up to a third of the weight gained during the cycle with water leaving the body in 2-4 weeks after stopping the cycle. Therefore, post cycle therapy is essential to maintain as many gains as possible.


There is a common misconception that people think that 100 pills are enough to complete a complete beginner cycle. Up to 200 tablets are used in a complete cycle of Dianabol 20. The cycle can work for up to 8 weeks in this situation.

It is recommended that you gradually increase the dose of this steroid from 20mg to 50mg per day. Take the tablets with your meals and plenty of water. Results improve due to progressive increase in dose. This cycle will help you gain more mass and keep your results longer.


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